A Rottweiler in Australia
Sunday, 11. August 2013
2013-08-11 18:49
for my virtual camel 'Leila' are nearly finished.
A tow bar to my car. I now have to get a float to pick her up and drive her around.

The plumber installed an electric pump and connected the water trough to the tank behind the shed.

The 1.6 m fence for the 1 hectar paddock.

The fencer left over 6 poles. I asked him to put them behind the shed. There I constructed a little shed for storing hay and fire wood.

Not really laser levelled and at right angles -

but who cares? It's my personal work for the last 4 weeks and I'm pretty proud of my achievement.

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Monday, 5. August 2013
Whale watching in Victor Harbor
2013-08-05 21:37
...without whales. They decided not to show up but it was a great day anyway.

A mild although windy winterday (19*C) and not so many people around.

Unfortunately pets are not allowed in the nearby conservation park. But we went the Bluff Summit Walk (http://www.victor.sa.gov.au/page.aspx?u=175).

The only downside is the distance: we drove 550 km today!

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Sunday, 4. August 2013
The Silence of the Lambs
2013-08-04 12:03
On Wednesday it was calm and windless. Normally - I would say 75% of the year - wind is blowing mostly from the west, sometimes hot winds from the north, rarely from the east and this makes some noise. But on Wednesday it was absolutely quiet outside. Except of the sheep in the west of my property. They were making so much noise the whole day long. Crying in all different pitches. It really hurts in my ears. In the evening when I walked the dogs I met the farmer and asked him what was going on. He told me that they had 'mulesing' the lambs. I asked myself what they are doing with the tails. When I went on I got the answer.

A ute load of tails and approx. 10 dead lambs (I assume collateral damage) dumped at the dry creek.

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