A Rottweiler in Australia
Warranty expired!
2012-07-26 15:02

"Hindquarters: Seen from behind, legs straight and not too close together. When standing free, obtuse angles are formed between the dog`s upper thigh and the hip bone, the upper thigh and the lower thigh and the metatarsal."

So far the theory (FCI Standard http://www.adrk.de/5_standard_e.htm ). But due to her extreme height Clare developed bow-legs. Seen from behind she looks like an old cowboy who spent his whole life sitting on a horse. Together with her temperament those crooked legs are a disaster. Since a couple of weeks she needs medication. She started to lame on the right hind leg but improved with 'Metacam'. Last Sunday we went for a walk and in no time she escaped chasing an animal (Oh wonder! No pain at all!). When she finally returned she was exhausted but okay. After a short rest she wanted to get up but couldn't put weight on her left leg (and struggled with her right leg as well). If she hasn't already - someday she will suffer from ruptures of the cruciate ligaments. Now I have a 22-month-old dog who moves like a 15-year-old one. No bicycle rides, no playing with Miss Piggy. I bought some fish oil/ glucosamine capsules and also administer (enteric coated) aspirin tablets to fight the inflammation in the knees. Too much pain relief ('Metacam') is counterproductive - she is too energetic when she is without pain and the weakened joints are strained again ("complacency makes you reckless" or so). Unfortunately the warranty has expired and I'm not able to exchange her for a new one .


kelef, 27. July, 00:11
maybe light sedatives could help in calming her down: hammer on the head, or something like that.

or shoes with lead inlets.

poor clare.

Thank you for the innovative ideas! I will consider them.

Im Grossen und Ganzen ist sie ja eher eine ruhige Vertreterin ihrer Rasse - halt nur furchtbar ungeschickt. Eine 'Grobmotorikerin' wuerden wir sagen. Wenn man irgendwo haengenbleiben kann, dann tut sie das auch. Oder in ein Loch treten und sich verknacksen - kein Problem. Auch wenn es das einzige Loch weit und breit ist - sie findet es. Das kann noch heiter werden.

sie ist ja noch relativ jung für einen so grossen hund, vielleicht reifen hirn und feinmotorik noch nach, was weiss man.