A Rottweiler in Australia
Take him or leave him?
2012-10-05 17:59
I don't know what to do. There is this cat "Mr Verner" roaming around on the property. Last year I borrowed a trap and was able to catch him. He is an old fellow, all 4 fangs were broken off and one of his front legs is stiff. I castrated him, treated an ear infection and administered flea drops. He was so hungry - he even ate chicken food. Now I'm moving and I'm asking myself whether I should take him with me. The problem is: he is wild, very wild. In the trap he was acting like mad. Should I leave him here? I can't imagine that he can support himself - without teeth and with a bad foot. But he will be desperate when he is locked up. And when he escapes at the new place he won't have a chance eather.
Catch him and provide a life in a "golden cage".
Leave him - he managed to survive in the last 5 years or more and will do so in the future.

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Created by clare on 5. October, 17:56.


kelef, 5. October, 18:15
what about trying to feed him several times a day? if he knows you (and the filled bowls) better maybe he will understand that it is his chance to move with you and lead a life of pleasure and leizure? cats are intelligent, i would at least take an effort. or you would probably have to keep him in a cage - next to the hens, maybe, so that he has some tv for free.

Der Bursche kriegt ja eh' sein Futter. Er hat vorher der Kitty alles weggefressen und jetzt stelle ich ihm was raus. Sobald das Licht ausgeht hoere ich schon wie die Schuessel klappert und ab und zu sch... st er er vor die Tuer - seine persoenliche Note sich zu bedanken? Nur zu Gesicht kriege ich ihn hoechstens 1x in drei Monaten. Ein Sicherheitsabstand von mindestens 20 m. Dann huscht, nein humpelt er davon.