A Rottweiler in Australia
Tuesday, 9. April 2013
Call center
2013-04-09 18:49
Normally I hang up when getting disturbed by call centers. This time I took up the challenge.

The display of the mobile phone showed a number from Victoria.

Me: "Hello"
CC: "Hi. My name is Mandy from bbbbss."
Me: "Who are you?"
CC: "Mandy from bbbsss."
Me: "Can you repeat. I couldn't get it."
Me: "Oh yes. But I couldn't get your company."
CC "bbsss. Bank of South Australia."
Me: "Okay. What do you want?"
CC: "The call will be recorded for teaching purposes. Is this okay?" [Call centers always ask this question]
Me: "No."
... silence ...
CC: "You do NOT want the call to be recorded?"
Me: "Yes"
CC: "I'm sorry. But then I can't talk to you."
Me: "That's okay. I don't want to talk to you either."

I assume this was an exceptional experience for poor Mandy.

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Too bad,
2013-04-09 17:57
I was not able to attend the auction:


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