A Rottweiler in Australia
Wednesday, 19. June 2013
Sad, very sad
2013-06-19 14:25
I didn't take any pictures.

Last time when I published the video about the sheep trial (http://youtu.be/mbLJYvSrmlw) I received an email from an upset person, so this time I will not hurt the feelings of anybody.

A hand raised lamb was brought to me. The owner thought it might have aspirated some milk and is now suffering from lung infection. But a quick look and it was 100% clear: tetanus, the body stiff like a saw-horse. I tried everything - administered antibiotics and muscle relaxants, drove 150 km to purchase antiserum, tube-fed him ... But despite all efforts he died in the morning (choked on his own saliva).

The reason he acquired tetanus: last week his tail and part of his skin was cut off and became infected. It was stinking like hell. An awful procedure.


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