A Rottweiler in Australia
Saturday, 3. August 2013
Life goes on
2013-08-03 14:49
... my favourite hen - Spotty - is sick, sitting in a corner with her feathers ruffled
... Sobby caught a stomach bug: vomiting and diarrhea all over the place
... Clare is jumping over the fence! That is a real catastrophe. Especially in the near future. When the crop on the field next to my property is harvested they will bring some sheep. I have to consider some drastic methods of training like an electric shock collar. The alternative would be to feed her until she has gained 50 kg. Then she is too lazy or not able to jump. Or to instal a higher fence. That exceeds my financial possibilities. Or to keep her inside all the time. Don't know what to do.
... good news at last: the neighbours just returned from their journey to Europe. And Sandy is still fit and healthy. Relief.

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