A Rottweiler in Australia
Tuesday, 6. December 2011
In need of affection
2011-12-06 13:23
Because I'm hitting her the whole day Clare is looking for some love - and Kitty usually starts licking her face.

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Tuesday, 29. November 2011
So far
2011-11-29 12:38
about healthy food!

Although I added a decent amount of sour cream - each single piece of carrots has been licked properly. Spoiled dog.

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Friday, 25. November 2011
Ups and downs
2011-11-25 12:33
This week was busy and started with a catastrophe on Monday. I was asked to do a night shift and at around 2 o'clock in the morning it suddenly came into my mind that I forgot to put a weigh onto the provisional enclosure of my chicks. What shall I say - the worst case scenario came true and when I came home in the morning all three chicks were gone, taken by a fox!
So I spent Tuesday buying a fence and fixing it to secure the Bantam Leghorn hen who decided to breed in an free breeze goat stable (with two eggs). Fort Knox for a tiny hen!
Wednesday I went to Adelaide and signed the contract for the transportable home. A huge package of paperwork and every page needed a signature or initials.
Yesterday I drove into the opposite direction to meet the electrician at the property. He will give me a quote next week and then I'm able to decide where the house will get to. I also visited a company who is doing sheds - essential component for the proposed farm.
Clare had to stay at home in the backyard. But in the evening we did our 10 km workout and yesterday we went to the beach.

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