A Rottweiler in Australia
Thursday, 26. January 2012
Happy Australia Day
2012-01-26 14:15

Australia Day (previously known as Anniversary Day, Foundation Day, and ANA Day) is the official national day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, the date commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788 and the proclamation at that time of British sovereignty over the eastern seaboard of New Holland.

Secret national hymn:

The 'real' Australian National Anthem (please stand up) - to join in:

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Wednesday, 25. January 2012
Settlement day
2012-01-25 16:06
Yesterday - 24th of January - the official day for the purchase of our property.

And here the 'street' where we will spend the rest of our lives.

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Monday, 23. January 2012
2012-01-23 11:57
9 hens and no eggs. I have to buy them.

$ 4.- + approx. $ 25.-/week for the food. Lazy birds. They will end in the pan when they proceed with their idleness.

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