A Rottweiler in Australia
Thursday, 1. November 2012
Fourth time lucky
2012-11-01 08:47
I was really insistent. One email after the other. Three times the workers came the long distance but did only some insufficient and incomplete repair. At last I offered to pay additional fees for proper work. In my opinion the main thing is the mice won't be able to enter the insulation from underneath.

I assume the company hasn't had a customer like me before - someone who is crawling under the house! An Australian wouldn't do it ever. But now I'm satisfied. Even silicone around the pipes.

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Wednesday, 31. October 2012
Not bad.
2012-10-31 10:24
Only 3.5 hours wait. At 11.30 a.m. the person responsible for reading and sealing the meter arrived.

A last glimpse back.

Back home I resumed my garden work. A couple of weeks ago I purchased a bag with pine chips for mulching my freshly planted trees. 1 bag - ridiculous. The content disappeared in no time. So I went to a supplier and bought a whole ute load (1.5 cubic metre). It disappeared. Now I thought I will be clever (in German: 'nicht kleckern, sondern klotzen') and ordered a truck load of pine chips!
[Notice the name. There are so many German descendants around South Australia, and especially around my place. The builder of the shed is B. Schutz, the earthmover is J. Launer, a settlement nearby is called 'Stendal' a place in Eastern Germany where relatives of mine used to live.]

Now I'm disappearing! I'm shoveling since 2 days and the mountain of chips remains the same.

And there was something else....

Oh yes.....

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Friday, 26. October 2012
Home improvements 1
2012-10-26 10:55
No more dragging of big boxes with drinkable water (I miss the crystal-clear Wiener Hochquellen Wasser). The plumber was here and installed an under-sink-waterfilter-system:



TV again. Watching ABCnews24 and SBS with DW TV.

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