A Rottweiler in Australia
Saturday, 17. November 2012
Spot the difference
2012-11-17 16:15
Here an easy picture to get used to the play:

And here the difficult part. Picture taken on 29.10.2012:

Picture taken on 17.11.2012 (please ignore the kangaroo-poo eating dog):

As you may recognize - there is no difference! In July I applied for the connection of a landline. As usual: 'No problem. Please keep the reference number for further correspondence.' In August I suggested Telstra to come along when the trench for the power is dug out (23.08.). Amazingly they came in time and put in the telephone cable (leading from the house to the boundary). Then silence. A couple of weeks ago they started to dig another trench. The workmen told me that Telstra isn't allowed to use the electricity pole for their purpose. So they constructed kind of a detour around the power pole.

I forbade myself to get angry. It doesn't help at all.

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Tuesday, 13. November 2012
Matthew 6:26
2012-11-13 10:40
"Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

The view out of my kitchen window in the morning.

Last year the land was used to grow oat. Some grains remained on the field and sprout again. Now the parrots (like these Adelaide Rosellas) and my chicken as well are harvesting the year's growth.

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Sunday, 11. November 2012
Ready, set, go!
2012-11-11 17:39
The result:

A spectator who is not really interested in what's going on.

And the competition? Guess what!

The solution:

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