A Rottweiler in Australia
Wednesday, 9. January 2013
Sick of waiting
2013-01-09 14:42
Waiting. Whole life waiting. For something. For anything. Waiting for the response of the Immigration Department, waiting for the telephone (yes, the trench is still like it was in October), waiting for the return of my bond, waiting since August for a receipt from the RSPCA (tax deductable expenses I spent for Miss Piggy), waiting for the erection of the verandah (should have been done in November). I could continue with this list if desired.
Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

Here something to pass the time:

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Saturday, 5. January 2013
"Bygone times"
2013-01-05 11:48
Nicole, her family and dog "Mila" left Germany in 2011 and started a new life in Tennessee/USA.
She started a initiative to connect some blogs.

So, here my short summary about 'my' personal 2012.

Purchase of my property:

Erection of my shed:

....more further down (--> 'Kommentar')

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Friday, 4. January 2013
2013-01-04 16:40
Today the hottest day since January 2009: 44*C and 2% humidity. Warnings without end - where already bushfire occured, how to prevent bushfire. Drink a lot, stay inside and not underneath a gum tree (because they tend to loose their limbs when stressed by heat)....


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