A Rottweiler in Australia
Thursday, 7. February 2013
I will be prepared!
2013-02-07 19:31
14th to 17th march! In Melbourne!


And here my super racer.

Protected by a dangerous guardian.

Okay. It's only a ride-on-mower with trailer and 100 l watertank. Now I can water my plants without carrying the heavy cans. Yay.

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Monday, 4. February 2013
2013-02-04 18:21
Every time when I look out of the window I see this open trench. And I'm angry.
So this morning I sent a provocative email to Telstra (as far as I'm able to do this in my pidgin English). A couple of minutes ago I received a call that the estimated time for the connection would be the 4th of April! I couldn't believe it. I told the guy on the phone I will cancel the application. I'm happy with my mobile and skype. "Then we won't close the trench." How sick is this company?

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Sunday, 3. February 2013
The seedlings
2013-02-03 18:09
are growing well so far. Although 'Bursaria spinosa' refused to show up at all in other boxes there is 100 % success. Especially 'Melaleuca lanceolata' is thriving like mad
and the Eucalyptus and Acacia species are also doing fine.. 30 % of 'Callitris gracilis' showed up with their lovely tiny spikes. The provider 'Trees for life' will send additional seeds. Perhaps the next charge is doing better.

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