A Rottweiler in Australia
Monday, 4. March 2013
Water tank
2013-03-04 10:05
Last Thursday the water tank was delivered.

And as usual not without trouble: South Australia is a dry country (the reason for having two water tanks). In summer it is bone-dry and the soil is like concret. The builder of my verandah had to use a jack-hammer to drill the holes for the posts! But when it's raining the earth is like soft soap. What shall I say - it wasn't raining since 2 months but it was raining the day before delivery! 18.8 mm - a fair amount - so the surface was slippery and not suitable for the truck to drive on. The tank had to be unloaded on the driveway and then rolled to its designated place.
Luckily there was help in form of two four-legged companions.

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Tuesday, 26. February 2013
Happy vet students
2013-02-26 13:00
Wish of an old hen: to be spring chicken again:

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Sunday, 24. February 2013
2013-02-24 09:44
Somewhere I read that it is not customary to reward workers on site with extra cash so I haven't done this so far. But when the solar panels were installed on top of the roof it was really hot - 35*C in the shade - so I thought I will give the people some money that they may buy some cold drinks. They looked at me as if I came from Mars. When they left the premises one guy came back and put the money underneath the doormat. An embarrassing situation.

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