A Rottweiler in Australia
Saturday, 30. March 2013
Happy Easter everyone
2013-03-30 12:48

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Saturday, 23. March 2013
Win #24
2013-03-23 18:58
Yesterday evening:


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Thursday, 21. March 2013
Kangaroos on BBC
2013-03-21 22:25
Something heart-warming for cold nights:

Homepage of 'Brolga': https://www.kangaroosanctuary.com/

Although my personal view is somewhat different. I would place emphasis on preventing the death of the uncounted animals laying on the street. Why not erecting wildlife-proof fences or adding reflectors on the street poles. Or just study to find something to keep the animals away. I know, an unrealistic task but to raise a handful kangaroos on one hand and killing thousands (either traffic or professional shooters!) on the other hand - where is the proportionality?

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Early Easter present
2013-03-21 14:41
"I refer to the order for service connection at the address detailed above and my previous correspondence regarding the delayed connection.
I am pleased to advise that Telstra has now completed the necessary preliminary work to enable the connection of your telephone service(s) to proceed. We have requested that the contractors who completed the civil component (trench work) of the project return and back fill the trench.
To assist you, I have made an appointment to complete the work on 26 March 2013. If this is a convenient time, you or your representative will need to be present at the above address between the hours of 08:00 and 12:00...."

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