A Rottweiler in Australia
Friday, 12. April 2013
Bad habits
2013-04-12 20:59
The dog that is trapped in the body of a Rottweiler (she genuinely is a Labrador, for sure) still does not do the duties she's supposed to do (barking, biting, guarding, fighting, defending,...) so like usual I have to help myself.

I organized a 2 kg ship bell and mounted it to the post at the gate. So far so good. But how to train an Australian native to use this bell? To make clear not to come to my house and look through my kitchen window so that I'm scared to death? Those natives (workers, neighbours even deputies of the council) are just entering the property, ignoring the "guard dog" and going to the back of the dwelling. Oh I hate this habit. I know where it comes from: when entering an Australian house you are standing in the living room. Very often there is no corridor or entrance hall and so they go to the back where the tiled laundry is. When I'm lucky they give me a call - like yesterday when the builder of my decking arrived. He knows my mobile number. The guy is standing at the gate, next to the bell, Clare in front of him wagging her tail and he is calling me by phone that he wants to enter.
Now I printed a sign - hopefully they are able to read (the guy from the electricity is announced to come in the next couple of days to do the meter reading - I'm waiting in suspense).

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Tuesday, 9. April 2013
Call center
2013-04-09 18:49
Normally I hang up when getting disturbed by call centers. This time I took up the challenge.

The display of the mobile phone showed a number from Victoria.

Me: "Hello"
CC: "Hi. My name is Mandy from bbbbss."
Me: "Who are you?"
CC: "Mandy from bbbsss."
Me: "Can you repeat. I couldn't get it."
Me: "Oh yes. But I couldn't get your company."
CC "bbsss. Bank of South Australia."
Me: "Okay. What do you want?"
CC: "The call will be recorded for teaching purposes. Is this okay?" [Call centers always ask this question]
Me: "No."
... silence ...
CC: "You do NOT want the call to be recorded?"
Me: "Yes"
CC: "I'm sorry. But then I can't talk to you."
Me: "That's okay. I don't want to talk to you either."

I assume this was an exceptional experience for poor Mandy.

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Too bad,
2013-04-09 17:57
I was not able to attend the auction:


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Monday, 8. April 2013
Busy, busy
2013-04-08 21:03
It is still bone-dry but now the temperatures (around 25*C) enable to start working outside. Another load of pine chips needs to be spread around the plants.
A radical approach to an old fruit tree that never has been pruned before.
Telstra showed mercy and finally backfilled the trench.

The decking around the house takes shape. This includes a ramp for Clare when she gets older and has more problems with her hips.
The native seedlings are also doing their best.
Only the neighbours are unproductive and have nothing better to do than fighting.

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