A Rottweiler in Australia
Thursday, 25. July 2013
In the morning ...
2013-07-25 08:57
... I went over to the place of the neighbours. I let Sandy out so she could relieve herself. First thing was running into the middle of the street. A dead animal was sticking to the ground and little Sandy pulled and pulled until she was able to free it. She started to chew. "Stop it" I yelled as loud as I was able to. Finally she dropped the chunky piece of meat and did three jumps into my direction. Suddenly she fell onto her right site the whole body shaking. As quick as I could I run to her and carried her inside the house. Sitting there crying not knowing what to do. What will the owner think of me? Some people came and took her away. A few minutes later I received a call that Sandy has died. I was so desperate. I know that there is poison for foxes available that can kill within an instant and no antidote possible. I was crying like I haven't cried since the death of cat Kitty. Crying, crying, .... rolling from one side of the bed to the other. Finally I awoke bathed in sweat! I think I'm getting too old to take on responsibility for other peoples animals.

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Friday, 19. July 2013
Well! Tough luck, Sobby.
2013-07-19 13:04
For the first time he went out for the whole night. The indication that's time to get desexed.
The delinquent deep asleep.
The tools necessary for the intervention.
To have a closer look at the procedure go to 'comment' (not suitable for the faint-hearted).

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Saturday, 13. July 2013
Better read than dead!
2013-07-13 12:06
My neighbours are on holiday. The whole family including the grown up children and their partners are visiting Europe. A real marathon: UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy and France - all in 28 days. I think they will need an additional vacation when they return.

I was asked to look after their animals: 2 fish tanks, 2 cats (which I never met because they are pretty timid, but the food is gone every morning so it should be okay) and 1 dog. The dog that has its own character. She can roam around wherever she wants. There is no fence, no secure backyard or kennel. I discussed this with the owners before they left. In my opinion she will leave the property and will follow me when she gets bored. And when running on the street she may get hit by a car. "We won't blame you in case this will happen!" was their respond. But I do not feel comfortable with this attitude. On the third day Sandy came over to my place. I was not able to chase her away. Sobby was embarrassed and hissing all the time, Clare started to be jealous and my door showed marks from her scratching.

She is really cute but I don't want her at my place. So the only alternative is to lock her in. Better read than dead.

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