A Rottweiler in Australia
2011-01-27 19:32
Yesterday morning when I entered the living room I discovered four places where Clare had vomited. Only fluid but this was the first time ever she did so. During the day she was okay, eating with appetite and the faeces were normal too. In the evening she was vomiting again and again only fluid. At 11 p.m. I was on my way to bed when the intestines of the little patient startet to mumble and squeak and this horrible sound was accompanied by intensive discomfort: no appetite any longer and even "gute Pute" as I call it (pieces of dried chicken breast) was not attractive any more. To help relief the pain I admitted a spasmolytic tablet and this morning everything was as normal.
I assume it was my fault because the last couple of weeks I fed one bone every day (second dentition) - I should know better after 30 years experience as a small animal veterinarian!! The remaining bones in the fridge will go to the magpies!
