2011-02-15 20:06
I'm member of http://www.faunarescue.org.au/ a not for profit organisation that helps native animals in needs. So I receive calls to pick up the one or other little bird, lizard or possum. On 5. December last year I was asked to help a little bird that fell out of its nest. First I thought it was a black bird but its tongue made clear it was a honeyeater. A Red Wattlebird, pretty common in this region http://birdsinbackyards.net/species/Anthochaera-carunculata
I managed to feed it and it gained weight but from the beginning it showed problems with its nerve system. A kind of epilepsy that made the bird unable to fly and eat properly by its own. As soon as it is starting with any kind of action its falling on its side and shows signs of seizures. I was thinking of euthanize the bird but on the other hand its healthy and because it does not know an other live than that in a cage I will keep it, feed it and ... bath it daily! Honeyeater are fed with a special diet available in any pet shop here in Australia. It contents a lot of sugar and the bird its covered over and over with the sticky fluid.
I managed to feed it and it gained weight but from the beginning it showed problems with its nerve system. A kind of epilepsy that made the bird unable to fly and eat properly by its own. As soon as it is starting with any kind of action its falling on its side and shows signs of seizures. I was thinking of euthanize the bird but on the other hand its healthy and because it does not know an other live than that in a cage I will keep it, feed it and ... bath it daily! Honeyeater are fed with a special diet available in any pet shop here in Australia. It contents a lot of sugar and the bird its covered over and over with the sticky fluid.