A Rottweiler in Australia
Close, but no cigar :-(
2011-04-08 15:26
Sitting the IELTS (academic) Test the second time the score was not bad at all.
Overall score 7 out of 9: 7 in listening, 6,5 in reading, 7 in writing and 7,5 in speaking. But to be accepted at the veterinary board I have to achieve a score of 7 in e v e r y category - 6,5 in reading is clearly not enough. I called the Board in Melbourne and asked about any exceptions - no chance! But the lady on the phone gave me a hint: why not sit the OET (http://www.occupationalenglishtest.org/Display.aspx)? It's more expensive than the IELTS Test but more specific for my needs. Okay, 'third time is a charm'! I registered for sitting this test. It will take the whole day - what to do with Clare? Searching the internet I found a good possibility: http://dontfretpet.com.au/. I paid a deposit and in May my l i t t l e girl (now weighing 28,8 kg!) will be separated from me for the fist time. I will bring her to the dog minder in the morning and in the evening I will pick her up again. Exciting!
