Black nightshade
2011-04-20 17:32
Yesterday evening I inspected the back of the property. It has been used for horses but right now there are no animals. Every now and then I have a look whether the fence is okay and no other problem has occured. Clare went with me and suddenly she started harvesting little black berries from a small bushy plant. I'm not familiar with native plants and whether there are toxic or not, so I forbade her to proceed. But this was not really necessary because the berries of the "Black nightshade" or "Solanum nigrum" can actually been used for culinary purposes .
By the way: I'm not sure at all whether Clare is a Rottweiler or a Doberman! or a Great Dane? She will not stop to grow.
But one praiseworthy feature she developed since a couple of weeks: she started barking. There is no reason (or better I'm not aware of the reason) but she has a nice deep voice. If I would be in Austria I would not be so happy - because of the neighbours. But here are rarely neighbours and I'm glad that she tells every two- and four-legged unwanted visitor that there is a big strong dog keeping an eye on the property.
By the way: I'm not sure at all whether Clare is a Rottweiler or a Doberman! or a Great Dane? She will not stop to grow.
But one praiseworthy feature she developed since a couple of weeks: she started barking. There is no reason (or better I'm not aware of the reason) but she has a nice deep voice. If I would be in Austria I would not be so happy - because of the neighbours. But here are rarely neighbours and I'm glad that she tells every two- and four-legged unwanted visitor that there is a big strong dog keeping an eye on the property.