A Rottweiler in Australia
2011-05-19 16:22
I chose to live in a remote area. No cars, no neighbours, even no post delivery - just quiet and pieceful 24/7.
But the price is high if an emergency occurs. Yesterday morning one of the peacocks got trapped between the branches of a gumtree.

I called the emergency number 000 and it took 10 min until the person on the other end of the telephone line finally was able to identify my address and promised to send someone. 45 min later no help in sight. I called the police in the next "town". They assured if the fire brigade is informed they will come. But they didn't come (perhaps they would have come if a human life is endangered). I stopped a truckdriver and he climbed up the tree and freed the poor bird.
The foot was only hanging on a small piece of tissue - an open fracture of the tibiotarsus. I operated the injury (without anaesthesia) but the chance is less than 50 % that the foot is still alive. The next couple of days are crucial. Today I changed the bandages and the smell from the wound was not really encouraging.
