A Rottweiler in Australia
Welcome Swallows
2011-09-14 18:22
In August (01.08.) a pair of Welcome Swallows decided to build their new home under my roof.

It took approx. 5 days to complete the nest and since then they are around my place.

Last Monday (12.09.) I rescued their property: a bird (I only saw the back - it was dark and I think it was a Noisy Miner) was sitting nearby and the two swallows were extremely excited. They flew attacks one after another against the bird and they were shouting as loud as they could with their tiny loungs. I drove the intruder away from the nest and the swallows calmed down.

Today I was very naughty: I climbed up a chair and had a look into the nest. 3 white eggs with purple spots were laying in a fluffy bed of soft tissue.
