A Rottweiler in Australia
2011-09-28 14:03
3 days ago I went to the council to hire a cat trap.

"...A person may lawfully seize an unidentified cat, providing that it is delivered within 12 hours to a registered Veterinary Surgeon or a Cat Management Officer .... An individual is not authorized to destroy a cat...."

I don't want to 'destroy' a cat but there is a big black-and-white tomcat roaming on my property. As soon as he takes notice of me he is running away. But when he is moving in a slow pace he is hobbling on three feet. So I borrowed this trap (free of charge for 7 days). Yesterday evening I was able to catch him - and this was a really wild cat! It took me hours to anaesthetize him through the trap wire. He was fighting like a lion and the amount of narcotics was at least 4 times higher than in a 'normal' cat. The reason of his lameness was an old but good healed fracture of his paw including the loss of 3 toes - it was not necessary to intervene. I castrated him, cleaned his ears and administered a flea protection. The night was chilly therefore I wrapped him in a towel and laid him in the back yard. In the morning he was gone - the only reminder of him was his vomit on the towel (consisting of poultry fodder!). Now I'm keen to see whether he will come back eating the leftovers of Kitty.
