A Rottweiler in Australia
How hot is that?
2012-06-07 18:22
Black Caviar on her 30 hour trip to Great Britain (incl. stopover in Singapore and Dubai). She is wearing a pressure suit to prevent oedema.

PS: Just discovered on facebook (mean!):


alleshund, 16. June, 17:26
Howdy! occasionally I check into your blog, seeing this I laughed my bud off...! I just close my eyes and picture a Clydesdale climbing into its suit...Wow!
Should I probably do that too with my dog when I take her to the track?:

Sunny wishes around the Globe!

Dank recht schoen. Kann man 'alleshund' irgendwo naeher kennenlernen?? Keep cool.
(Here in South Australia I should say: keep warm)