A Rottweiler in Australia
End result:
2012-07-31 19:18

It was nerve-wracking, but only the end result counts - or not?

I will put together some of the 137 photographs taken yesterday. They first wanted to place the house the wrong way! They had to unload the house in the driveway, turn the truck and loader around and start again. Two times bogged in the pad! The house was swinging from one side to the other on the back of the loader! And so on. The whole time the team seemed relaxed - I was freaking out.


kelef, 1. August, 03:54
that looks fine!

Thank you. And did you see the new poles for the fence? Now Clare and the poultry will be secure inside 1 ha of the property (hopefully).

1 ha is quite nice for a dog. she will have to be very busy to turn everything upside down within due time ...