A Rottweiler in Australia
Happy, happy, happy!
2012-09-22 18:28
Normally I'm seeking harmony, but this time I got kind of angry. I received an invoice to pay $ 263.- for "extra cost incurred due to turning the house"! Okay, this is not so much money, but it wasn't my fault that the house came the wrong way. I wrote this to the manager and I received the following respond:
"Good Morning, Just spoke with D. about this. Received a phone call about this site from earthmover on the morning of the move concerned about access etc due to recent rain. Was too late to cancel the job at that time and would incur Police costs of $ 600 to cancel. Asked him to be onsite with machine to assist if possible. Loaded the building as built. On arrival at site it was evident that best option to prevent bogging was to turn the building. Site would have been OK if dry conditions and was not prepared for the wet. What we did was the cheapest and most effective under those conditions. Regards..."

I was so angry and wrote:

"Thank you for your email and explanation of P.. But the stuff about the weather is pure bullshit. You may/should watch again my photos: http://youtu.be/kmwB-zPVTbw
There you can see that they first came in with the house the wrong way! I screamed they should stop and then they started to think how to solve the problem!! That has nothing to do with the pad or weather or whatever. Solely with their misinterpretation of the plans. Even if they did not know how to place the house: the solar hot water connection on the roof - facing north!! - should give enough clue. Please look at the photos. They give evidence about the fault of Peter and his co-workers!! AND: I still didn't receive an answer about the shelves in the pantry/ cloakroom and the loose/broken sheets underneath the house. Regards, ..."

And what shall I say? It worked:

"Hi, My boss has decided to waive the extra transport costs due to the inconvenience you have had with the shelving. I will email you through shortly with a new statement."

And the best thing: Yesterday I got my shelves in the pantry and cloakroom!! They're looking great.


w.kluettenrath, 23. September, 06:51
House delivery crew:
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy?

Aber genau! Aber dann die Bauernschlaeue mich dafuer noch zahlen zu lassen.

House delivery, das klingt schon äh. skurril. ;o)
Schön, daß es so ausgegangen ist.

Ja, klingt komisch. Jedoch sind diese 'transportable homes' um die Haelfte billiger als 'on site'-Bauten und doppelt so schnell errichtet. Die Wohnqualitaet ist gewoehnungsbeduerftig (als lebte man in einem Campingwagen) aber was soll's. Es ist (auf immerhin 149 qm)alles vorhanden was man zum leben braucht.

ja, sehr schön dass sich das so erledigt hat. man weiss ja nie was solchen firmen einfällt. meistens ist es aber nur einfach eine art von stur-heil ohne gehirneinschalten werkeln.

ich hab in der ddr in einer österreichischen "wohnbaracke" gewohnt: wohnung mit zwei zimmern, vorraum, wc, bad. baustellenausführung, aber mit zentralheizung und zumindest teilweise privat möbliert resp. aufgemotzt. abgesehen von der gewöhnungsbedürftigkeit - so ein haus steht ja innerhalb von drei oder vier tagen auf seinem fundament, wenn man das einmal gesehen hat traut man sich erst einmal gar nicht hinein - war das letztlich ein ganz angenehmes wohnen, wenn auch: wie in einem campingbus. 149 qm sind schon ganz schön ordentlich, übrigens.