A Rottweiler in Australia
Due to storm activity
2012-11-30 19:56
SA Power Networks: "We are experiencing widespread power interruptions and advise there may be delays in restoring power. We apologise for the inconvenience".

Sitting in the dark, 30*C inside the house and the content of the freezer is melting away.
My aggressive guarddog is crouching in the w-i-r, shaking.

PS: Powerinterruption lasted for 18 hours.


w.kluettenrath, 4. December, 05:47
A powerless freezer? Melting steaks? Fluid icecream? A nightmare! Or a nice reason for an emergency BBQ ;-)

Good idea. But there are only 4 'Dr Oetker Ristorante spinaci' pizzas. Somewhat soft, but still okay.