A Rottweiler in Australia
Merry Christmas...
2012-12-23 19:39
... to all (both readers of the blog) and don't eat too much!


kelef, 25. December, 00:10
merry christmas to you! don't eat too much is in regard of miss pixy, i suppose. we are having fondue tonight, but i will tell her of course. concerning me, it should rather be don't drink too much.

ach annemarie, 25. December, 20:08
ich wünsche frohe weihnacht und alles gute
aus berlin nach down-under.

w.kluettenrath, 26. December, 05:57
Merry Christmas tu you, down under on the counterweight continent. And thank you for the warning, it came just in time to prevent myself from being sick tonight ;-)