A Rottweiler in Australia
Permanent residency II
2012-12-28 13:11
Despite the good wishes of my faithful readers Mrs Kelef, Mrs Annemarie and Mr Kluettenrath (thank you) I didn't enjoy the Christmas Days at all. The reason? How would you react?

On the 23rd of November I sent the 96 pages application for Sponsorship by registered letter to the appropriate Department in Adelaide.
On the 14th of December I thought it may be a good idea to ask whether my documents have arrived at their office. No answer. Another email on 19th of December. No answer. A third email to a different address on 20th of December. Finally a response on 21st: "I’ve checked and we don’t have a record of having received your application. Could you please checking the tracking and confirm it has been sent to the correct address? Thanks,... " First panic attack. I checked the tracking (ridiculously it took 10 days to deliver the registered letter! There are 45 km between the post office and the Department in Adelaide and they sent it to NSW first!) and I was able to confirm that the letter arrived on the 3rd of December at 06.31. My next email on the 24th of December: "Did you find my documents or do I have to send them again? I'm really nervous about this incident." Reply: "It being Christmas Eve, there’s no-one in the mail room today. But I am making every effort to locate your application in the instance that it may have been misplaced. There is a possibility that it’s in someone’s in-tray, something which I’m checking as we speak. I don’t want to ask you to send another copy before we’ve had time to check everywhere first. I appreciate how much time and effort it takes to put a full application together." Additionally he kept me busy in asking some more information about my visa details. I submitted them and received the next email: "..Please don’t worry too much about this – there is plenty of time left on your visa and I still have several avenues to chase up. I’ll be in the office on Thurs and Fri where I will follow up with the other sections..."

Today the relieving email: "Good news – we’ve located your file safe and sound. Just a minor error in the mailroom had it sent to the wrong floor, but this morning someone finally turned it in. We’ll begin processing this application and let you know of the outcome in due course. "
...Just a minor error....Processing time (according to the website): 2 months!


kelef, 28. December, 13:22
just a minor error? what do these people call a big mistake? i can imagine your nerves were blank. poor clare - things like that should not happen at all, and especially not at x-mas time. or maybe they happen at x-mas so that none of the guilty persons are seriously hurt? who knows.

it will all turn out well, it can't be otherwise.

Thanks for your empathy.
Ich bin mir nur noch immer nicht sicher ob ich jetzt aergerlich sein soll, dass es 35 Tage brauchte bis die Dokumente auf dem richtigen Schreibtisch landeten oder mich freuen soll, dass sie nicht verloren gegangen sind.