A Rottweiler in Australia
'Track my item - Australia Post'
2013-01-16 09:45
Yesterday, yes YESTERDAY (15.01.2013 at 12:30), I lodged my application for the visa at the nearby post office by registered letter. Now, I'm rubbing my eyes, on the 16.01.2013 at 07:24, the parcel has been delivered. Unbelievable. Last time it took 10 days because they first sent it to New South Wales. The Lord - er - the Australian Post - moves in mysterious ways.

Amendment: 15:55

I'm speechless. I received an email from the Immigration Department ..."Acknowledgement of valid application for a ...
visa... Your application has been assessed as a valid application.
The following applicant(s) included on this application has been assessed as valid.
Name Date of birth
Please check the attached Visa Application Summary and contact us if any of the details are incorrect or change at any time during the processing of your application. ..."....
Not so much suprising - they charged already my credit card:

"A receipt for this payment is attached to this letter."

They also included a Bridging Visa in case the processing time exceeds my current valid visa that expires in May.
Now waiting. Official processing time: 9 months.


kelef, 16. January, 18:01
maybe they put your name on the list of the VIPs - after the desaster of last times mail processing. who knows?

Ach, Frau Kelef. Viel profaner: Das Sponsorship beim Suedaustralischen Staat kostet nix. Das Visum fuer die Daueraufenthaltsgenehmigung - Anlaufstelle ist die Immigrationsbehoerde des Governments - kostet einen kleinen Haufen. Und da kennen die Australier nix - erst die Kohle, dann die Ware/Leistung. Wenn Sie in eine Kneipe oder ein Cafe gehen, dann setzen Sie sich nicht hin und warten bis die Bedienung kommt! Nein, Sie bemuehen sich bitte zum Tresen, waehlen, bestellen und bezahlen. Irgendwann kommt dann das Bier oder Sie werden aufgerufen und holen sich Ihr Getraenk/Essen vom Tresen ab.