A Rottweiler in Australia
'Back to normal'
2013-01-16 16:37
...is the theme Nicole (http://www.blog.windgefluester.net) set for the second half of January.
For an old un-employed atheist woman like me there is no back to normal because there is nothing else than normal. No Christmas decoration to put away. No recovery from holidays. One day is just like the other. So the only option is to document something 'normal' in my daily activities. And this is cooking. So, let's commence cooking.
Slice mushrooms

and onions

and put them into a hot pan with some vegetable oil.

When they have reduced their size continue cooking with adding hot water

season with salt, pepper and grated nutmegs.
Meanwhile the Tagliatelle are put into the boiling water.

Final touches with sour creme


and - of course - Tabasco.

