A Rottweiler in Australia
I will be prepared!
2013-02-07 19:31
14th to 17th march! In Melbourne!


And here my super racer.

Protected by a dangerous guardian.

Okay. It's only a ride-on-mower with trailer and 100 l watertank. Now I can water my plants without carrying the heavy cans. Yay.


kelef, 10. February, 07:01
will be a comfortable gardering experience. does the dangerous guardain already know how to ride the vehicle? i knew a st. berhard's dog who loved to get a car ride - but she always forgot that when she sat on the front seat nobody was able to drive the car ... actually, she was only allowed to get into a small lada jeep, and she had something above 70 kg. and she was living on a farm, so the car sometimes had an interesting smell.

Dem gefaehrlichen Wachhund ist das Monstrum nicht ganz geheuer. Wenn es sich in Bewegung setzt nimmt der Koeter erst 'mal 20 m Sicherheitsabstand.