A Rottweiler in Australia
Monthly newsletter from the vet clinic:
2013-03-16 18:06
"We all want the best nutrition for our pets, but how do you choose the perfect diet we hear you ask? It's easy! By consistently feeding a premium food, you can ensure your pet stays healthy and lives longer. Premium foods are high quality and prepared with the correct balance of nutrients and calories.

Research confirms premium food is more economical than supermarket brands - you need to feed less quantity of a premium food for greater benefits.

Here are just a few of the pros of a premium, highly digestible food:
•excellent coat and skin
•maximum absorption and uptake nutrients
•reduced tummy upsets
•minimal, well formed faeces that are easy to pick up (who wouldn't want that!?)

Premium foods offer options for every stage of your pet's life so be sure to ask us about the best nutrition for your pet.... and don't go offering your dog the foods mentioned in this video!"
