A Rottweiler in Australia
Call center
2013-04-09 18:49
Normally I hang up when getting disturbed by call centers. This time I took up the challenge.

The display of the mobile phone showed a number from Victoria.

Me: "Hello"
CC: "Hi. My name is Mandy from bbbbss."
Me: "Who are you?"
CC: "Mandy from bbbsss."
Me: "Can you repeat. I couldn't get it."
Me: "Oh yes. But I couldn't get your company."
CC "bbsss. Bank of South Australia."
Me: "Okay. What do you want?"
CC: "The call will be recorded for teaching purposes. Is this okay?" [Call centers always ask this question]
Me: "No."
... silence ...
CC: "You do NOT want the call to be recorded?"
Me: "Yes"
CC: "I'm sorry. But then I can't talk to you."
Me: "That's okay. I don't want to talk to you either."

I assume this was an exceptional experience for poor Mandy.


ach annemarie, 10. April, 18:41
hahaha, das ist gut!
(merke ich mir)

kelef, 11. April, 09:33
oh, there are lots of such mandys. some of them use to call me too, and want to talk about my sleeping habits. they are calling already for three years (or longer), and we alwys have nice long talks. you know, i am an old woman and it takes me always such a long time to understand who is calling, and where from, and why, and the company's name, and so on. and i never understand why it is not possible that a native austrian speaking person can call me - i do not want to speak to german natives, i have such difficulties in understanding their dialect, and i am so sorry for this, but i always have to ask over and over again. and i let my mandy spell her (or his) name at least three time, in my age i regard it as really impolite not to talk to people using their name. and in the meantime i, of course, forgot the company's name, and why i am contacted. and what are the details of my sleeping habits used for? and after finishing this most delightful conversation, just before they start asking me the questions, i have one last question myself: why, in hells name, are all of you stupid bastards not capable of explaining to every single idiot of your colleagues that i do not want to be called by your company again and again and again? in most cases the mandy then is snapping for air like a fish on dry land, and i wish him or her a beautiful day and a better job. but i always allow them to record - for teaching purposes ...

this is real fun. especially, if i have this interesting conversation in the middle of the street, or in a restaurant, or something like that. and as i have been able to remember the number when i see it on the display, there should be hope for the mandy's of the future that they will not have to make the same experience, but who knows.