A Rottweiler in Australia
Aboriginal art
2013-06-01 20:11
The car service yesterday took a little longer so I decided to take the offer to use a car of the company. I drove to Adelaide and visited a gallery where aboriginal art is presented (http://www.indigenu.com.au). They don't charge a fortune and therefore I purchased my very first artwork ever. It's called "Bush Medicine Leaves" and matches well to my curtains. ;-)
[43x40 cm]
I also received a certificate - here the wording:
"Thank you for supporting the work of Bernadine Johnson, an Aboriginal woman from Mimili, South Australia.
She is true to her culture and her works are reflective of this. She is confident with her work but timid as a person, often characteristic of the people. It is interesting to note that she too produces the bush medicine leaf motif but it differs from that of the Anangu people. It is a less seen pattern but an important style to add to any Indigenous art collections...."

I like it and in my opinion the $ 75.- are well spent. It only needs a frame.
Amendment: Now with frame

Obviously I'm not the only one who likes Aboriginal Art:



kelef, 1. June, 21:46
i like it too. well spent time AND money.