A Rottweiler in Australia
Well! Tough luck, Sobby.
2013-07-19 13:04
For the first time he went out for the whole night. The indication that's time to get desexed.
The delinquent deep asleep.
The tools necessary for the intervention.
To have a closer look at the procedure go to 'comment' (not suitable for the faint-hearted).


clare, 19. July, 13:42
First pull out the hair, clean and desinfect the area.
Make a deep incision into the skin (including the tissue surrounding the testicle).
Pull out the testicle and place the haemostat as close to the body as possible. Lay the second haemostat on top of the ligament and wind the testicle around the tip of the haemostat. so that a knot is produced. Cut off the testicle pull back the knot and remove the first haemostat. After the knot is tightened the ligament can be shortened. Now the second haemostat can be released and the tissue will glide back into the body. The wound remains open.
How easy was that? (Don't forget the other one!)

now he knows why his name is sobby ...
but i am sure animals do not understand. castrating just leads to a life with much less stress and dangers - for animals and owners as well.