A Rottweiler in Australia
Early guests
2012-04-18 15:28
When I looked out of the window this morning I recognized some furry guests - 2 of the 3 ponies belonging to the neighbour.

Clare thought they came to play with her. Here her invitation:

But the ponies didn't want to play! I tried to convince naughty Clare to let it be. But she still doesn't follow my orders!

So she has to learn the lesson the hard way: Never approach a horse from the back. It might hurt.

Kitty couldn't watch it any longer. She left the scene quiet distressed.


kelef, 18. April, 15:59
beautiful story, but: poor clare. will she remember the other day, or will she try again? i can understand kitty ...

my father used to say "das pferd ist ein gefährliches tier das dem menschen nach dem leben trachtet". seems this is also true with dogs.

Ach, Clare "is' ein Russ'". Die schei..t sich nix. V.a. weil sie schneller ist als die Ponies.