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2012-10-25 15:39
SMS: "Please call AGL on 131 245 & quote your account as we were unable to access your electricity meter."
6 weeks ago I terminated the contract with the electricity provider AGL with 19.10.2010. "No problem, all done". On Monday 22.10. I have been at the house and checked whether the light was still working - it was. So I called what's going on, why the power is still connected when I terminated it 3 days ago. "No problem. Your account has been closed. You won't be charged..." And now I got this message. I called immediately and asked why they want to do the reading now when allegedly this has been done before. "We are not doing meter readings on Friday!" "Your account can't be closed until the meter reading has been made" "We don't accept readings by the client"....

6 weeks ago I terminated the contract with the electricity provider AGL with 19.10.2010. "No problem, all done". On Monday 22.10. I have been at the house and checked whether the light was still working - it was. So I called what's going on, why the power is still connected when I terminated it 3 days ago. "No problem. Your account has been closed. You won't be charged..." And now I got this message. I called immediately and asked why they want to do the reading now when allegedly this has been done before. "We are not doing meter readings on Friday!" "Your account can't be closed until the meter reading has been made" "We don't accept readings by the client"....

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