A Rottweiler in Australia
Saturday, 21. April 2012
2012-04-21 22:24
They are crashing into the (single layer) windows and I'm afraid they may destroy them:

No idea what kind of moths they are but they are a lot of them clinging to the entrance door and walls.

PS (next morning): It's a Bogong moth.


Another detail I found: "Before white settlement in Australia, Indigenous people feasted on adult Bogong moths in the mountains. These moths were rich in fat and a reliable source of food, as the moths spent the summer in the relative cool of the mountains before mating. Bogong moths were usually killed or dazed by heat and smoke from torches, then roasted and eaten whole." GOOD APPETITE! (I'm vegetarian.)

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Friday, 20. April 2012
White invasion
2012-04-20 14:55
I was awoken by incredible noise.

Hundreds of Little Corellas invaded the property - here a close-up:

They are really sociable birds and interesting to watch, but soo noisy!

Neighbour's sheep were speechless about this behaviour.

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Wednesday, 18. April 2012
Early guests
2012-04-18 15:28
When I looked out of the window this morning I recognized some furry guests - 2 of the 3 ponies belonging to the neighbour.

Clare thought they came to play with her. Here her invitation:

But the ponies didn't want to play! I tried to convince naughty Clare to let it be. But she still doesn't follow my orders!

So she has to learn the lesson the hard way: Never approach a horse from the back. It might hurt.

Kitty couldn't watch it any longer. She left the scene quiet distressed.

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