A Rottweiler in Australia
Thursday, 24. January 2013
2013-01-24 12:41
I gave up. First I thought I will be stubborn and I will not contact Telstra in regard of my landline. But as I said, I gave up. They won. But this doesn't mean that I do have a connection now. Last TUESDAY I called the service center and after a look into the files they react quite astonished: "Oh, the trench is still open?" "Yes, since October I do have a 30 m trench in front of my property." They promised to take care. On THURSDAY the same week I received a call that the contractor will come on FRIDAY and close the trench. Guess who didn't come? I received another call in regard of my new telephone number. I was offered 5 possibilities, chose the number that was easiest to remember and was told that someone from Telstra will come on the 24th of January (today!) to do the final 'touches'. He was here. Yes, he was here (although he didn't dare to enter because of the dog and only because my chickens made some noise I looked out of the window and was able to stop him from leaving). "The cables in the trench are not attached. This is the work of a contractor. I can't help you." ... to be continued..

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Wednesday, 16. January 2013
'Back to normal'
2013-01-16 16:37
...is the theme Nicole (http://www.blog.windgefluester.net) set for the second half of January.
For an old un-employed atheist woman like me there is no back to normal because there is nothing else than normal. No Christmas decoration to put away. No recovery from holidays. One day is just like the other. So the only option is to document something 'normal' in my daily activities. And this is cooking. So, let's commence cooking.
Slice mushrooms

and onions

and put them into a hot pan with some vegetable oil.

When they have reduced their size continue cooking with adding hot water

season with salt, pepper and grated nutmegs.
Meanwhile the Tagliatelle are put into the boiling water.

Final touches with sour creme


and - of course - Tabasco.


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'Track my item - Australia Post'
2013-01-16 09:45
Yesterday, yes YESTERDAY (15.01.2013 at 12:30), I lodged my application for the visa at the nearby post office by registered letter. Now, I'm rubbing my eyes, on the 16.01.2013 at 07:24, the parcel has been delivered. Unbelievable. Last time it took 10 days because they first sent it to New South Wales. The Lord - er - the Australian Post - moves in mysterious ways.

Amendment: 15:55

I'm speechless. I received an email from the Immigration Department ..."Acknowledgement of valid application for a ...
visa... Your application has been assessed as a valid application.
The following applicant(s) included on this application has been assessed as valid.
Name Date of birth
Please check the attached Visa Application Summary and contact us if any of the details are incorrect or change at any time during the processing of your application. ..."....
Not so much suprising - they charged already my credit card:

"A receipt for this payment is attached to this letter."

They also included a Bridging Visa in case the processing time exceeds my current valid visa that expires in May.
Now waiting. Official processing time: 9 months.

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Monday, 14. January 2013
Permanent residency III
2013-01-14 23:08
"I am pleased to be able provide you with sponsorship from the South Australian State Government for the ... migration application for a visa subclass..."
Now the hard work begins. Preparing and filing the "real" application.

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