A Rottweiler in Australia
Saturday, 17. August 2013
New bicycle
2013-08-17 19:05
3 years ago I purchased a cheap bike ($ 98.-) at BigW. What shall I say - it's now more or less trash. Although I tried to service it - Clare jumped more than once into it (and yes, it hurts to fall down).
I discovered an ad at www.gumtree.com.au: Cheetah Amalfi - ALLOY 3 SPEED COASTER COMFORT BIKE BRAND NEW;
Retail price $ 539.- The seller asked for $ 350.-. I offered $ 250.- I made the deal and now I have a brand new bike.

I hope it will last a little longer.

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Friday, 16. August 2013
Burra Creek Gorge
2013-08-16 09:39
only 30 km away and a gem in the landscape. Giant gumtrees, abundance wildlife and dogs are allowed when supervised!

Around a Ruby Saltbush a lot of fluttering was going on. The participants - Ladies first:

And here the boss:

'Variegated Fairy-wren' (Malurus lamberti)

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Thursday, 15. August 2013
Horse rescue in NSW
2013-08-15 09:40
This morning I received an email from the organiser of the 'Large animal rescue' event that I attended a couple of months ago:

...ANTHONY HATCH "HATCHY" TEAM in ACTION! A great story and a horse that is lucky to be alive. Students who attended the Large Animal Rescue training course at Roseworthy in June might reminisce at the word "HAUL!" ...

And here the link:


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